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Greg Wheeler is currently serving his first term as Mayor of Bremerton and is seeking re-election this November.


During his first term, Greg and his administration have created and implemented over 20 initiatives and programs focused on making Bremerton the best place to live, work, invest, learn, and play. In seeking re-election, Wheeler hopes to build on his first term accomplishments and expand opportunities for Bremerton families and businesses.


As Mayor of Bremerton, Greg serves on the Puget Sound Regional Council Executive Board (PSRC), Economic Development Board, Growth Management Board, and Transportation Board. He also represents the City on boards for Emergency Management, Kitsap Economic Development Alliance, Kitsap Public Health, Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council, Kitsap Transit, and 911 Executive Committee.

Prior to being elected Mayor, Greg served eight years on the Bremerton City Council representing District 4. He was elected by his peers to be City Council President for three consecutive terms, and represented the City of Bremerton as Vice Chair of the Cen-Com Policy Board and PSRC Growth Management Policy Board. He has also served on and held leadership positions on the following City Committees: Audit, Finance, Police Pension, Parks, Planning, Public Safety, Public Works.


Greg has also served as President or Board Member for the following local organizations: Kitsap Community Resources, Olympic College Organizational Leadership and Resource Management Advisory Committee, Olympic College Capital Campaign Committee, and Salvation Army Advisory Board. He is a current member of the Bremerton Kiwanis Club and Bremerton Rotary Club.


Greg is a lifelong resident of Bremerton, Navy veteran, and retiree from the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard Engineering Department. He holds an MBA from Brandman University and BA from Chapman University, as well as Certificates of Municipal Leadership (CML) and Advanced Municipal Leadership (AML) from the Association of Washington Cities (AWC). He is honored to be an alumnus of Central Kitsap High School, Dewey Junior High School, and View Ridge Elementary School.


Greg and his wife Sunny live in District 4 and have three adult children, one grandchild, and two dogs.

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