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In his first term as Mayor, Greg has focused on fulfilling his campaign promise of making Bremerton the best place to live, work, invest, learn, and play. With your support, Greg’s administration has made great strides in improving city services, securing funding for needed programs, and giving everyone the opportunity to thrive.


Over the last three years, Greg and his administration have created and implemented over 20 initiatives that create an even better Bremerton. While his work as Mayor of Bremerton is ongoing, some of Greg’s first term accomplishments include:

Affordable Housing

  • Bremerton Rental Assistance Program, providing financial assistance for lower-income renter households, eviction prevention, and security deposits since 2019.

  • Down Payment Assistance Program with Community Frameworks, giving more Bremertonians the opportunity to become homeowners.

  • Bremerton Weatherization Program, stabilizing rent and making homes more energy efficient for residents struggling to meet energy costs.

  • Switching from bi-monthly to monthly utility billing, simplifying household budgets and allowing the City to respond to customer concerns and water usage issues faster.


Arts & Culture


Broadband Expansion


Business Opportunity & Economic Growth

  • Securing the state’s “Opportunity Zone” designation, enabling the City to offer special federal tax incentives to encourage development and job creation.

  • Increasing Bremerton’s B&O Tax Exemption from $180,000 to $240,000. 

  • Winning the new Amazon distribution center, adding 200 local jobs.

  • Completing the East Side Employment Center/Harrison Hospital Market Analysis EIS and Charleston Business/Community District Study.

  • Mayor’s Challenge to solve city problems as part of the Washington State Science & Engineering Fair (WSSEF).


COVID-19 Recovery

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  • Funding the cleanup project at Kitsap Lake, improving local water quality and limiting algae growth.

  • Bremerton Weatherization Program, making homes more energy efficient for residents struggling to meet energy costs.

  • Cleaning up nuisance properties by implementing the court-appointed receiver and abatement programs.


Government Efficiency

  • Using new processes and technologies to improve all City departments and spend City funds more efficiently.

  • Securing funding to develop the Asset Manager Program to inform decisions using data for City equipment and maintenance.

  • Providing staff support for the install of FlexNet (remote utility meter read) system that allows for real time meter reads, focusing efforts on real time leak detection and gaining efficiencies in current processes.


Housing & Commercial Development

  • Proactive Code Enforcement Program, addressing weeds, garbage, graffiti, cars parked in yards, and abandoned properties to safeguard our shared community.

  • Incorporating technology and process improvements in Community Development to increase new development and see new records established in 2019 & 2020 for total number and value of projects.

  • Approving permits for nearly $100 million in residential and commercial projects with another $90 million being reviewed.


Medical Care & Mental Health

  • Stand By Me in partnership with Peninsula Community Health Services (PCHS), assisting with mental health, basic health, housing, and employment needs.

  • Fostering a partnership between the Bremerton Fire Department (BFD) and PCHS to design and implement a mobile response unit to address opioid addiction and mental health.

  • Ongoing support services at the Salvation Army, helping those experiencing mental health issues or homelessness.

  • Adding the City's first Behavioral Health Program Position to the Bremerton Police Department.

  • Partnering with Kitsap Mental Health and Bremerton Housing Authority to secure a location for the Pendleton Place (permanent supportive housing) development.

  • Securing the Primary Care and Residency Program on Kitsap Way, which will include Urgent and Prompt Care by July 2021.

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Public Safety

  • Safe Place Program, partnering with the business community and schools to create safe locations for individuals to visit if they have been the victim of a hate or bias crime.

  • Funding the Bremerton Police Department (BPD) Body Camera Program.

  • Implementing the Intelligence Led Policing initiative.

  • Revitalizing the BPD Navigator Program.

  • Adding the City’s first Behavioral Health Program Position to the Bremerton Police Department.

  • Adding two Police Public Record Specialists.

  • Fire Safety Program, inspecting all businesses, churches, schools, and residential buildings of 3 or more units annually by the Bremerton Fire Marshal’s Office.


Streets & Sidewalks



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